Palm Trees

Domenic’s Palm and Tree Nursery is a specialist Palm Tree Nursery producing a large range of palm tree varieties and tree sizes.

Domenic’s Palm and Tree Nursery has a magnificent collection of advanced palms including the Canary Island Date Palms (Phoenix Caneriensis), Kentia Palms and Cocos Palms. These are ideal for providing an instant landscape for developing land sites, hotels, shopping centres, streetscapes and large properties. They certainly make a beautiful and majestic statement of luxury. Palms are often grown for their sophisticated look. They also provide shade and protection.

For more information about purchasing our magnificent advanced stock, fill in the form on the Contact Us page or call us on 0413006956.

Explore Our Range of

Butia Palms

The Butia Capitata Palm (also known as the Jelly Palm or Wine Palm) has blue-green to grey-green fronds that curve in towards its stout trunk. They prefer well-drained soil in the full sun or part-shade. Advanced sizes (in the ground) are available.

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Cocos Palms

The Cocos Plumosa (also known as Syagrus romanzoffiana) displays an elegantly straight trunk with feather-like fronds. This palm is suitable for large landscaping projects and creates an instant showpiece to border driveways and fence lines.

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Triangle Palms

The Triangle palm (Dypsis decaryi) enjoys the full sun. It features a three-sided, triangular shaped trunk with long grey-green fronds. Available in 600ml pots (approximately 3m tall).

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Kentia Palms

The Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana) has become a very popular indoor plant. This majestic and graceful indoor palm is shade tolerant and slow growing. It prefers semi-shade conditions which is ideal for patios, verandahs and rooms with filtered sunlight.

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Bangalow Palms

The Bangalow Palm (Archontopoenix cunninghamiana) has bright green leaves and a thin trunk. This palm can grow up to 25 metres tall and provides a canopy that spans a few metres.

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Phoenix Palm Trees

The Phoenix Caneriensis Palm (Canary Island Date Palm) is well known for its dramatic and architectural trunk and canopy. We have a magnificent collection of advanced Phoenix Palms.

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