Palm Trees

Domenic’s Palm & Tree Nursery is a specialist Palm Nursery. We provide a wide selection of Palm Trees including Phoenix Palms, Bangalow Palms, Triangle Palms, Kentia Palms, Cocos Palms and Butia Palms.

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Olive Trees

Domenic’s Palm & Tree Nursery offers a great quality of Olive trees perfectly suited to Perth’s Mediterranean climate. We have many sizes available.

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Norfolk Pines

The Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) belongs to the Conifer family. They can grow up to 60 metres with a trunk that can expand to 3 metres in diameter.

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Ficus Trees

Ficus trees are a common plant in the home and office, mainly because they look like a typical tree with a single trunk and a spreading canopy.

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Magnolia Grandiflora Trees

The Magnolia Grandiflora, also known as the Southern Magnolia Tree, is a stunning tree with large dark green leaves that have a rusty velvety underside and fragrant white flowers. They create large creamy-white blooms during spring and summer.

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